

AttributeExpression Represents an expression based on comparing two attributes. 
ChildExpression Represents an expression based on filtering children. 
ConjunctionOperatorDomain The conjunction operator domain data object. 
Expression This is the base service data object type for all expressions. 
ExpressionAttribute The Expression Attributes domain. 
ExpressionAttributeFilter Represents a filter for the ExpressionAttributes Domain. 
ExpressionFilter A logical filter that can be used to perform logical operations on a list of expressions to achieve a more complicated filter expressions. 
ExpressionOperator The Expression Operators domain. 
ExpressionOperatorFilter Represents a filter for the ExpressionOperators Domain. 
MultiValueExpression Represents an expression based on a set of values. 
ObjectFactory This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package. 
ValueExpression Represents an expression based on comparing an attribute to a value.