

BankAccountUse BankAccountUse object

Java class for BankAccountUse complex type. 

CustomerAccount CustomerAccount object

Java class for CustomerAccount complex type. 

CustomerAccountContact CustomerAccountContact object

Java class for CustomerAccountContact complex type. 

CustomerAccountRelationship CustomerAccountRelationship object

Java class for CustomerAccountRelationship complex type. 

CustomerAccountSite CustomerAccountSite object

Java class for CustomerAccountSite complex type. 

CustomerAccountSiteUse CustomerAccountSiteUse object

Java class for CustomerAccountSiteUse complex type. 

CustomerProfile CustomerProfile object

Java class for CustomerProfile complex type. 

CustomerProfileAmt CustomerProfileAmt object

Java class for CustomerProfileAmt complex type. 

ObjectFactory This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package. 
OrgCustomer OrgCustomer business object

Java class for OrgCustomer complex type. 

OrgCustomerServiceCreateOrgCustomer Creates an Organization Customer business object. 
OrgCustomerServiceCreateOrgCustomerResponse Creates an Organization Customer business object. 
OrgCustomerServiceGetOrgCustomer Extracts a particular Organization Customer business object from TCA. 
OrgCustomerServiceGetOrgCustomerResponse Extracts a particular Organization Customer business object from TCA. 
OrgCustomerServiceGetOrgCustsCreated Extracts a particular Organization Customer business object from TCA. 
OrgCustomerServiceGetOrgCustsCreatedResponse Extracts a particular Organization Customer business object from TCA. 
OrgCustomerServiceGetOrgCustsUpdated Extracts a particular Organization Customer business object from TCA. 
OrgCustomerServiceGetOrgCustsUpdatedResponse Extracts a particular Organization Customer business object from TCA. 

Java class for OrgCustomerService_InvokeServiceBatch complex type. 


Java class for OrgCustomerService_InvokeServiceBatch_Response complex type. 


Java class for OrgCustomerServiceRoot complex type. 

OrgCustomerServiceSaveOrgCustomer Saves an Organization Customer business object. 
OrgCustomerServiceSaveOrgCustomerResponse Saves an Organization Customer business object. 
OrgCustomerServiceUpdateOrgCustomer Updates a Organization Customer business object. 
OrgCustomerServiceUpdateOrgCustomerResponse Updates a Organization Customer business object. 
PaymentMethod PaymentMethod object

Java class for PaymentMethod complex type. 

PersonCustomer PersonCustomer business object

Java class for PersonCustomer complex type. 

PersonCustomerServiceCreatePersonCustomer Creates a Person Customer business object. 
PersonCustomerServiceCreatePersonCustomerResponse Creates a Person Customer business object. 
PersonCustomerServiceGetPersonCustomer Extracts a particular Person Customer business object from TCA. 
PersonCustomerServiceGetPersonCustomerResponse Extracts a particular Person Customer business object from TCA. 
PersonCustomerServiceGetPersonCustsCreated Extracts a particular Person Customer Created business object from TCA. 
PersonCustomerServiceGetPersonCustsCreatedResponse Extracts a particular Person Customer Created business object from TCA. 
PersonCustomerServiceGetPersonCustsUpdated Extracts a particular Person Customer Updated business object from TCA. 
PersonCustomerServiceGetPersonCustsUpdatedResponse Extracts a particular Person Customer Updated business object from TCA. 

Java class for PersonCustomerService_InvokeServiceBatch complex type. 


Java class for PersonCustomerService_InvokeServiceBatch_Response complex type. 


Java class for PersonCustomerServiceRoot complex type. 

PersonCustomerServiceSavePersonCustomer Saves a Person Customer business object. 
PersonCustomerServiceSavePersonCustomerResponse Saves a Person Customer business object. 
PersonCustomerServiceUpdatePersonCustomer Updates a Person Customer business object. 
PersonCustomerServiceUpdatePersonCustomerResponse Updates a Person Customer business object. 
RoleResponsibility RoleResponsibility object

Java class for RoleResponsibility complex type.