public abstract class


extends Object
   ↳ org.mule.modules.peoplesoft.api.AbstractCIAccessorFactory
Known Direct Subclasses

Class Overview

Handles the creation of "helper" objects that facilitate the interaction with the Component Interface API entities. It also manages the remote calls to their methods. A reflection strategy is used to access the classes and interfaces whose visibility to package level.

The latter approach solves a compatibility issue (PC-70) with DevKit 3.7 related to changes in the Classloader.


private static final Logger logger
private Object wrappedObject Contains an instance of one of the API entities defined in CIAccessType.
Protected Constructors
AbstractCIAccessorFactory(Object obj, Class<?> type)
Creates and wraps a generic Object in one of the API entities defined in the CIAccessorType enum
Protected Methods
Object getWrappedObject()
Object invokeAPIField(Object obj, String name)
Manages the field invocations made to the API via reflection.
Object invokeAPIMethod(Object obj, String name, Class[]<?> params, Object[] values)
Manages the method invocations made to the API via reflection.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


private static final Logger logger

private Object wrappedObject

Contains an instance of one of the API entities defined in CIAccessType. These include:

  • psft.pt8.joa.CI
  • psft.pt8.joa.CICollection
  • psft.pt8.joa.CIPropertyInfo
  • psft.pt8.joa.CIPropertyInfoCollection
  • psft.pt8.joa.CIRow
  • psft.pt8.joa.CIScroll

Protected Constructors

protected AbstractCIAccessorFactory (Object obj, Class<?> type)

Creates and wraps a generic Object in one of the API entities defined in the CIAccessorType enum

obj The object to be transformed
type A class from CIAccessType in which the obj will be wrapped

Protected Methods

protected Object getWrappedObject ()

protected Object invokeAPIField (Object obj, String name)

Manages the field invocations made to the API via reflection.

obj The wrapped API object
name The name of the field
  • the value of represented field wrapped in an Object

protected Object invokeAPIMethod (Object obj, String name, Class[]<?> params, Object[] values)

Manages the method invocations made to the API via reflection.

obj The wrapped API object
name The name of the API method to be invoked
params The list of parameter types expected
values The list of values for each of the parameters declared
  • an Object of the same class type as the parameter obj