public class


extends Object
   ↳ org.mule.modules.peoplesoft.Config
Known Direct Subclasses


private Boolean componentInterfaceEditHistoryItems Controls whether the component interface runs in Update/Display All mode, Update/Display mode, or Correction mode when the underlying component is effective-dated.
private Boolean componentInterfaceGetHistoryItems Controls whether the component interface runs in Update/Display mode or Correction mode when the underlying component is effective-dated.
public List<String> componentInterfaceIdsWhiteList List of the CI names (IDs) that will be gathered for DataSense.
private Boolean componentInterfaceInteractiveMode Controls whether to apply values and run business rules immediately, or whether items are queued and business rules are run later, in a single step.
private static final Logger logger
private MetadataBuilder metadataBuilder
private ISession session
Public Constructors
Constructs a new Config Instance with default configuration values set to false.
Public Methods
void connect(String server, String username, String password)
Establish a connection with the PeopleSoft Service
String connectionIdentifier()
Returns the beginning of the tenant key identifier
void disconnect()
Clear the current connection and resources
Boolean getComponentInterfaceEditHistoryItems()
Boolean getComponentInterfaceGetHistoryItems()
List<String> getComponentInterfaceIdsWhiteList()
Returns the list of Component Interface Ids defined.
Boolean getComponentInterfaceInteractiveMode()
MetadataBuilder getMetadataBuilder()
ISession getSession()
boolean isConnected()
Check if the current tenant has a connection already established
void setComponentInterfaceEditHistoryItems(Boolean componentInterfaceEditHistoryItems)
void setComponentInterfaceGetHistoryItems(Boolean componentInterfaceGetHistoryItems)
void setComponentInterfaceIdsWhiteList(List<String> componentInterfaceIdsWhiteList)
Sets the Component Interface Ids list to be used for metadata extraction.
void setComponentInterfaceInteractiveMode(Boolean componentInterfaceInteractiveMode)
void testConnectivity(String server, String username, String password)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


private Boolean componentInterfaceEditHistoryItems

Controls whether the component interface runs in Update/Display All mode, Update/Display mode, or Correction mode when the underlying component is effective-dated. If EditHistory items are set to true, then historical data can be modified. EditHistory items work in accordance with GetHistory items.

private Boolean componentInterfaceGetHistoryItems

Controls whether the component interface runs in Update/Display mode or Correction mode when the underlying component is effective-dated. If GetHistory is set to true, then historical data can be retrieved but not modified. GetHistory items work in accordance with EditHistory items.

public List<String> componentInterfaceIdsWhiteList

List of the CI names (IDs) that will be gathered for DataSense.

private Boolean componentInterfaceInteractiveMode

Controls whether to apply values and run business rules immediately, or whether items are queued and business rules are run later, in a single step.

Note: You should use interactive mode when testing and debugging a component interface. Interactive mode in a production environment slows performance because of the number of server trips required.

If you are using a component interface as part of a batch process in which thousands of rows are to be inserted, running in interactive mode may reduce performance so much on some UNIX servers that the application times out with a connection failure.

private static final Logger logger

private MetadataBuilder metadataBuilder

private ISession session

Public Constructors

public Config ()

Constructs a new Config Instance with default configuration values set to false.

Public Methods

public void connect (String server, String username, String password)

Establish a connection with the PeopleSoft Service

server Generally conformed by the host:port (e.g. localhost:9999)
username The username to access the service
password The password to access the service
ConnectionException If the service cannot establish a connection to the service, this exception will be thrown

public String connectionIdentifier ()

Returns the beginning of the tenant key identifier

  • String with the first part of the key

public void disconnect ()

Clear the current connection and resources

public Boolean getComponentInterfaceEditHistoryItems ()

public Boolean getComponentInterfaceGetHistoryItems ()

public List<String> getComponentInterfaceIdsWhiteList ()

Returns the list of Component Interface Ids defined.

  • the values.

public Boolean getComponentInterfaceInteractiveMode ()

public MetadataBuilder getMetadataBuilder ()

public ISession getSession ()

public boolean isConnected ()

Check if the current tenant has a connection already established

  • true if it is connected, false otherwise

public void setComponentInterfaceEditHistoryItems (Boolean componentInterfaceEditHistoryItems)


public void setComponentInterfaceGetHistoryItems (Boolean componentInterfaceGetHistoryItems)


public void setComponentInterfaceIdsWhiteList (List<String> componentInterfaceIdsWhiteList)

Sets the Component Interface Ids list to be used for metadata extraction.

componentInterfaceIdsWhiteList The id list of Component Interface.

public void setComponentInterfaceInteractiveMode (Boolean componentInterfaceInteractiveMode)


public void testConnectivity (String server, String username, String password)
