

BaseDataSourceNameDomain The Base Datasource Name domain returns the top level data sources defined on the Service

Java class for BaseDataSourceNameDomain complex type. 

BaseDataSourceNameDomainFilter A filter to return the base data source names for a service. 
BatchRequest Represents a bundle of method invocation requests to be performed on a Service Service in one round-trip. 
BatchResponse A bundle of method invocation responses returned from a Service Service. 
ChildAttributeName The Child Attribute Names domain. 
ChildAttributeNameFilter The child attribute name filter. 
ChildDataCriteria Represents DataCriteria than can be applied to children nodes. 
ContextModeDomain The Context Mode domain. 
ContextModeDomainFilter The Context Mode Domain Filter

Java class for ContextModeDomainFilter complex type. 

DataCriteria Represents a criteria that the returned data must satisfy when getting/requesting data from a DataSourceService DataSourceService. 
DataObject This is the base service data object type for all data objects. 
DataObjectAttribute The Data Object Attributes domain. 
DataObjectAttributeFilter The Data Object Attributes filter. 
DataObjectQualifiedName This is th data object fir DataObjectQualifiedNamesDVO. 
DataObjectQualifiedNameFilter This filter is for filtering the data object qualified names. 
DomainValueSetNameDomain The Domain Value Set Names domain returns the domain value set names used in the data object hierarchy. 
DomainValueSetNameDomainFilter A filter used to return the domain value sets used in a data object tree for a certain data source. 
Filter This is the base service data object type for all filters. 
InstanceCriteria Represents a criteria applied on a specific DataObject instance. 
KeySetDataObject The Key Set Data Objects domain. 
KeySetDataObjectFilter The Key Set Data Object filter. 
KeySetName The Key Set Names domain. 
KeySetNameFilter The Key Set Names filter. 
KeySets Defines an ordered Key set names to be used to identify a data object. 
MethodName The Method Names domain. 
MethodNameFilter The Method Name Filter

Java class for MethodNameFilter complex type. 

MethodRequest A method invocation request for a batch request
MethodRequestListParameter * This DataObject is used to wrap a method parameter of type List, so that it * can be used in MethodRequest. 
MethodResponse Represents the response generated by a oracle.svc.MethodRequest MethodRequest invocation on a oracle.svc.Service Service. 
ObjectFactory This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package. 
PartialAttributesMode The Partial Attributes Mode domain. 
PartialAttributesModeFilter The Partial Attributes Mode Filter

Java class for PartialAttributesModeFilter complex type. 

ProcessControl Defines the control switches to be used when processing data by a service. 
ProcessControlExceptionReturnMode The Process Control exception return modes domain. 
ProcessControlProperty The Process control properties domain. 
ProcessControlPropertyFilter The process control properties filter. 
ProcessControlReturnMode The Process Control return modes domain. 
QueryControl Defines the control switches to be used when retriving data by a service. 
ServiceMessage Represents an error or an informational message sent by a service. 
SortAttribute Defines the sort order for a single attribute of a data object. 
SortAttributeName The Sort Attributes domain. 
SortAttributeNameFilter The Sort Attribute Name filter. 
TransactionMode The Transaction Modes domain. 
TransactionModeFilter The Transaction Mode Filter

Java class for TransactionModeFilter complex type.