@RequiresEnterpriseLicense(allowEval=true) @Connector(name="ec2", friendlyName="Amazon EC2", minMuleVersion="3.9") public class EC2Connector extends Object
Constructor and Description |
EC2Connector() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AllocateAddressResult |
allocateAddress(String domain)
Acquires an Elastic IP address.
AssignIpv6AddressesResult |
assignIpv6Addresses(String networkInterfaceId,
Integer ipv6AddressCount,
List<String> ipv6Addresses)
Assigns one or more IPv6 addresses to the specified network interface.
void |
assignPrivateIpAddresses(String networkInterfaceId,
Boolean allowReassignment,
List<String> privateIpAddresses,
Integer secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount)
Assigns one or more secondary private IP addresses to the specified network interface
AssociateAddressResult |
associateAddress(String allocationId,
Boolean allowReassociation,
String instanceId,
String networkInterfaceId,
String privateIpAddress,
String publicIp)
Associates an Elastic IP address with an instance or a network interface.
AssociateIamInstanceProfileResult |
associateIamInstanceProfile(String instanceId,
String profileName)
Associates an IAM instance profile with a running or stopped instance.
AttachNetworkInterfaceResult |
attachNetworkInterface(Integer deviceIndex,
String instanceId,
String networkInterfaceId)
Attaches a network interface to an instance.
AttachVolumeResult |
attachVolume(String volumeId,
String instanceId,
String device)
Attaches an EBS volume to a running or stopped instance and exposes it to the instance with the specified device name.
AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgressResult |
authorizeSecurityGroupEgress(String groupId,
String cidrIp,
String ipProtocol,
Integer fromPort,
Integer toPort,
List<IpPermission> ipPermissions,
String sourceSecurityGroupName,
String sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId)
[EC2-VPC only] Adds one or more egress rules to a security group for use with a VPC.
AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressResult |
authorizeSecurityGroupIngress(String groupId,
String groupName,
String cidrIp,
String ipProtocol,
Integer fromPort,
Integer toPort,
List<IpPermission> ipPermissions,
String sourceSecurityGroupName,
String sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId)
Adds one or more ingress rules to a security group.
CopySnapshotResult |
copySnapshot(String sourceSnapshotId,
RegionEndpoint sourceRegion,
String description,
RegionEndpoint destinationRegion,
String presignedUrl,
Boolean encrypted,
String kmsKeyId)
Copies a point-in-time snapshot of an EBS volume and stores it in Amazon S3.
CreateImageResult |
createImage(String instanceId,
String iName)
Creates an Amazon EBS-backed AMI from a running or stopped instance
CreateKeyPairResult |
createKeyPair(String keyName)
Creates a new 2048-bit RSA key pair with the specified name.
CreateNetworkInterfaceResult |
createNetworkInterface(String subnetId,
String description,
List<String> groups,
Integer ipv6AddressCount,
List<InstanceIpv6Address> ipv6Addresses,
String privateIpAddress,
List<PrivateIpAddressSpecification> privateIpAddresses,
Integer secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount)
Creates a network interface in the specified subnet.
CreateSecurityGroupResult |
createSecurityGroup(String vpcId,
String groupName,
String description)
Creates a security group.
CreateSnapshotResult |
createSnapshot(String volumeId,
String description)
Creates a snapshot of an EBS volume and stores it in Amazon S3.
void |
createTags(List<String> resources,
List<Tag> tags)
Adds or overwrites one or more tags for the specified Amazon EC2 resource or resources.
CreateVolumeResult |
createVolume(String availabilityZone,
boolean encrypted,
Integer iops,
String kmsKeyId,
Integer size,
String snapshotId,
VolumeType volumeType)
Creates an EBS volume that can be attached to an instance in the same Availability Zone.
void |
deleteKeyPair(String keyName)
Deletes the specified key pair, by removing the public key from Amazon EC2.
void |
deleteNetworkInterface(String networkInterfaceId)
Deletes the specified network interface.
DeleteSecurityGroupResult |
deleteSecurityGroup(String groupId,
String groupName)
Deletes a security group.
DeleteSnapshotResult |
deleteSnapshot(String snapshotId)
Deletes the specified snapshot.
void |
deleteTags(List<String> resources,
List<Tag> tags)
Deletes a specific set of tags from a specific set of resources.
DeleteVolumeResult |
deleteVolume(String volumeId)
Deletes the specified EBS volume.
void |
deregisterImage(String imageId)
Deregisters the specified AMI.
DescribeAddressesResult |
describeAddresses(List<String> allocationIds,
List<Filter> filters,
List<String> publicIps)
Describes one or more of your Elastic IP addresses.
DescribeAvailabilityZonesResult |
describeAvailabilityZones(List<String> zoneNames,
List<Filter> filters)
Describes one or more of the Availability Zones that are currently available to the account.
DescribeIamInstanceProfileAssociationsResult |
describeIamInstanceProfileAssociations(List<String> associationIds,
List<Filter> filters)
Describes your IAM instance profile associations.
DescribeImageAttributeResult |
describeImageAttribute(String imageId,
String attribute)
Describes an attributes of an AMI.
DescribeImagesResult |
Describes one or more of the images available to you (AMIs, AKIs, and ARIs).
DescribeInstanceAttributeResult |
describeInstanceAttribute(String attribute,
String instanceId)
Describes the specified attribute of the specified instance.
DescribeInstancesResult |
describeInstances(List<String> instanceIds,
List<Filter> filters)
Describes one or more of your instances.
DescribeInstanceStatusResult |
describeInstanceStatus(List<String> instanceIds,
List<Filter> filters)
Describes the status of one or more instances.
DescribeKeyPairsResult |
describeKeyPairs(List<String> keyNames,
List<Filter> filters)
Describes one or more of your key pairs.
DescribeMovingAddressesResult |
describeMovingAddresses(List<Filter> filters,
Integer maxResults,
String nextToken,
List<String> publicIps)
Describes your Elastic IP addresses that are being moved to the EC2-VPC platform, or that are being restored to the
EC2-Classic platform.
DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttributeResult |
describeNetworkInterfaceAttribute(String attribute,
String networkInterfaceId)
Describes a network interface attribute.
DescribeNetworkInterfacesResult |
describeNetworkInterfaces(List<Filter> filters,
List<String> networkInterfaceIds)
Describes one or more of your network interfaces.
DescribeRegionsResult |
describeRegions(List<String> regionNames,
List<Filter> filters)
Describes one or more regions that are currently available to you.
DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesResult |
describeSecurityGroupReferences(List<String> groupIds)
[EC2-VPC only] Describes the VPCs on the other side of a VPC peering connection that are referencing the
security groups you've specified in this request.
DescribeSecurityGroupsResult |
describeSecurityGroups(List<String> groupIds,
List<String> groupNames,
List<Filter> filters)
Describes one or more of your security groups.
DescribeSnapshotAttributeResult |
describeSnapshotAttribute(String snapshotId,
SnapshotAttributeName attribute)
Describes the specified attribute of the specified snapshot.
DescribeSnapshotsResult |
describeSnapshots(List<String> snapshotIds,
List<String> ownerIds,
List<String> restorableByUserIds,
List<Filter> filters)
Describes one or more of the EBS snapshots available to you.
DescribeStaleSecurityGroupsResult |
describeStaleSecurityGroups(String vpcId)
[EC2-VPC only] Describes the stale security group rules for security groups in a specified VPC.
DescribeTagsResult |
describeTags(List<Filter> filters)
Describes one or more of the tags for your EC2 resources.
DescribeVolumeAttributeResult |
describeVolumeAttribute(String volumeId,
VolumeAttributeName attributeName)
Describes the specified attribute of the specified volume.
DescribeVolumesResult |
describeVolumes(List<String> volumeIds,
List<Filter> filters)
Describes the specified EBS volumes.
DescribeVolumesModificationsResult |
describeVolumesModifications(List<String> volumeIds,
List<Filter> filters)
Reports the current modification status of EBS volumes.
DescribeVolumeStatusResult |
describeVolumeStatus(List<String> volumeIds,
List<Filter> filters)
Describes the status of the specified volumes.
void |
detachNetworkInterface(String attachmentId,
Boolean force)
Detaches a network interface from an instance.
DetachVolumeResult |
detachVolume(String volumeId,
String device,
Boolean force,
String instanceId)
Detaches an EBS volume from an instance.
void |
disAssociateAddress(String associationId,
String publicIp)
Disassociates an Elastic IP address from the instance or network interface it's associated with.
DisassociateIamInstanceProfileResult |
disassociateIamInstanceProfile(String associationId)
Disassociates an IAM instance profile from a running or stopped instance.
EnableVolumeIOResult |
enableVolumeIo(String volumeId)
Enables I/O operations for a volume that had I/O operations disabled because the data on the volume was
potentially inconsistent.
Config |
getConfig() |
GetConsoleOutputResult |
getConsoleOutput(String instanceId)
Retrieves console output for the specified instance.
GetConsoleScreenshotResult |
getConsoleScreenshot(String instanceId)
Retrieve a JPG-format screenshot of a running instance to help with troubleshooting.
GetPasswordDataResult |
getPasswordData(String instanceId)
Retrieves the encrypted administrator password for an instance running Windows.
ImportKeyPairResult |
importKeyPair(String keyName,
String publicKeyMaterial)
Imports the public key from an RSA key pair that you created with a third-party tool.
void |
modifyImageAttribute(String imageId,
String attribute,
String operationType,
String value)
Modifies the specified attribute of the specified AMI.
void |
modifyInstanceAttribute(String instanceId,
String attribute,
String value)
Modifies the specified attribute of the specified instance.
void |
modifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute(String networkInterfaceId,
String attachmentId,
String description,
List<String> groups,
Boolean deleteOnTermination,
Boolean sourceDestCheck)
Modifies the specified network interface attribute.
ModifySnapshotAttributeResult |
modifySnapshotAttribute(String snapshotId,
SnapshotAttributeName attribute,
OperationType operationType,
Collection<String> groupNames,
Collection<String> userIds)
Adds or removes permission settings for the specified snapshot.
ModifyVolumeResult |
modifyVolume(String volumeId,
Integer iops,
Integer size,
VolumeType volumeType)
You can modify several parameters of an existing EBS volume, including volume size, volume type, and IOPS capacity.
ModifyVolumeAttributeResult |
modifyVolumeAttribute(String volumeId,
boolean autoEnableIO)
Modifies a volume attribute.
MonitorInstancesResult |
monitorInstances(List<String> instanceIds)
Enables detailed monitoring for a running instance.
MoveAddressToVpcResult |
moveAddressToVpc(String publicIp)
Moves an Elastic IP address from the EC2-Classic platform to the EC2-VPC platform.
void |
rebootInstances(List<String> instanceIds)
Requests a reboot of one or more instances.
void |
releaseAddress(String allocationId,
String publicIp)
Releases the specified Elastic IP address.
ReplaceIamInstanceProfileAssociationResult |
replaceIamInstanceProfileAssociation(String associationId,
String profileName)
Replaces an IAM instance profile for the specified running instance.
void |
reportInstanceStatus(List<String> instanceIds,
List<String> reasonCodes,
String status,
String description)
Submits feedback about the status of an instance.
void |
resetImageAttribute(String imageId,
String attribute)
Resets an attribute of an AMI to its default value.
void |
resetInstanceAttribute(String instanceId,
String attribute)
Resets an attribute of an instance to its default value.
void |
resetNetworkInterfaceAttribute(String networkInterfaceId,
String sourceDestCheck)
Resets a network interface attribute.
ResetSnapshotAttributeResult |
resetSnapshotAttribute(String snapshotId,
SnapshotAttributeName attribute)
Resets permission settings for the specified snapshot.
RestoreAddressToClassicResult |
restoreAddressToClassic(String publicIp)
Restores an Elastic IP address that was previously moved to the EC2-VPC platform back to the EC2-Classic platform.
RevokeSecurityGroupEgressResult |
revokeSecurityGroupEgress(String groupId,
String cidrIp,
String ipProtocol,
Integer fromPort,
Integer toPort,
List<IpPermission> ipPermissions,
String sourceSecurityGroupName,
String sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId)
[EC2-VPC only] Removes one or more egress rules from a security group for EC2-VPC.
RevokeSecurityGroupIngressResult |
revokeSecurityGroupIngress(String groupId,
String groupName,
String cidrIp,
String ipProtocol,
Integer fromPort,
Integer toPort,
List<IpPermission> ipPermissions,
String sourceSecurityGroupName,
String sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId)
Removes one or more ingress rules from a security group.
RunInstancesResult |
runInstances(String imageId,
Integer minCount,
Integer maxCount,
List<String> securityGroups,
List<String> securityGroupIds,
String keyname,
String subnetId,
String instanceType)
Launches the specified number of instances of an AMI for which you have permissions.
void |
setConfig(Config config) |
StartInstancesResult |
startInstances(List<String> instanceIds)
Starts an Amazon EBS-backed AMI that you've previously stopped.
StopInstancesResult |
stopInstances(List<String> instanceIds,
Boolean force)
Stops an Amazon EBS-backed instance.
TerminateInstancesResult |
terminateInstances(List<String> instanceIds)
Shuts down one or more instances.
UnassignIpv6AddressesResult |
unassignIpv6Addresses(List<String> ipv6Addresses,
String networkInterfaceId)
Unassigns one or more IPv6 addresses from a network interface.
void |
unAssignPrivateIpAddresses(String networkInterfaceId,
List<String> privateIpAddresses)
Unassigns one or more secondary private IP addresses from a network interface.
UnmonitorInstancesResult |
unmonitorInstances(List<String> instanceIds)
Disables detailed monitoring for a running instance.
public Config getConfig()
public void setConfig(Config config)
@Processor public CreateImageResult createImage(String instanceId, String iName)
- instance informationiName
- instance name@Processor public void deregisterImage(String imageId)
- AMI id to be deregistered@Processor public DescribeImagesResult describeImages()
@Processor public DescribeImageAttributeResult describeImageAttribute(String imageId, @Optional String attribute)
- The ID of the AMI.attribute
- The attribute to reset (currently you can only reset the launch permission attribute).@Processor public void resetImageAttribute(String imageId, String attribute)
- The ID of the AMI.attribute
- The attribute to reset (currently you can only reset the launch permission attribute).@Processor public void modifyImageAttribute(String imageId, @Optional String attribute, @Optional String operationType, @Optional String value)
- The ID of the AMI.attribute
- The name of the attribute to modify.operationType
- The operation type.value
- The value of the attribute being modified.@Processor public CreateKeyPairResult createKeyPair(String keyName)
- A unique name for the key pair.@Processor public ImportKeyPairResult importKeyPair(@Placement(order=1) String keyName, @Placement(order=2) String publicKeyMaterial)
- A unique name for the key pair.publicKeyMaterial
- The public key which must be base64-encoded.@Processor public void deleteKeyPair(String keyName)
- the name of the key pair to be deleted@Processor public DescribeKeyPairsResult describeKeyPairs(@Placement(order=1) @Optional List<String> keyNames, @Placement(order=2) @Optional List<Filter> filters)
- One or more key pair names to which we need describeKeyPairs service to return information for.
When the list is null or empty, it returns all the available KeyPairs' information.@Processor public CreateVolumeResult createVolume(@Placement(order=1) String availabilityZone, @Placement(order=2) @Default(value="false") boolean encrypted, @Placement(order=3) @Optional Integer iops, @Placement(order=4) @Optional String kmsKeyId, @Placement(order=5) @Optional Integer size, @Placement(order=6) @Optional String snapshotId, @Placement(order=7) @Default(value="Standard") VolumeType volumeType)
- The Availability Zone in which to create the volume.encrypted
- Specifies whether the volume should be encrypted.iops
- Only valid for Provisioned IOPS SSD volumes.
The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) to provision for the volume, with a maximum ratio of 50 IOPS/GiB.kmsKeyId
- The full ARN of the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer master key (CMK) to use when creating
the encrypted volume.size
- The size of the volume, in GiBs.snapshotId
- The snapshot from which to create the volume.volumeType
- The volume type.@Processor public AttachVolumeResult attachVolume(@Placement(order=1) String volumeId, @Placement(order=2) String instanceId, @Placement(order=3) String device)
- The ID of the EBS volume.instanceId
- The ID of the instance.device
- The device name to expose to the instance (for example, /dev/sdh or xvdh).@Processor public DeleteVolumeResult deleteVolume(String volumeId)
- The ID of the volume.@Processor public DescribeVolumesResult describeVolumes(@Placement(order=1) @Optional List<String> volumeIds, @Placement(order=2) @Optional List<Filter> filters)
- One or more volume IDs.filters
- One or more filters.@Processor public DescribeVolumeAttributeResult describeVolumeAttribute(@Placement(order=1) String volumeId, @Placement(order=2) @Default(value="AutoEnableIO") VolumeAttributeName attributeName)
- The ID of the volume.attributeName
- The attribute of the volume.@Processor public EnableVolumeIOResult enableVolumeIo(String volumeId)
- The ID of the volume.@Processor public ModifyVolumeAttributeResult modifyVolumeAttribute(String volumeId, @Default(value="true") boolean autoEnableIO)
- The ID of the volume.autoEnableIO
- Indicates whether the volume should be auto-enabled for I/O operations.@Processor public DescribeVolumeStatusResult describeVolumeStatus(@Placement(order=1) @Optional List<String> volumeIds, @Placement(order=2) @Optional List<Filter> filters)
- One or more volume IDs.filters
- One or more filters.@Processor public DetachVolumeResult detachVolume(@Placement(order=1) String volumeId, @Placement(order=2) @Optional String device, @Placement(order=3) @Optional Boolean force, @Placement(order=4) @Optional String instanceId)
- The ID of the volume.device
- The device name.force
- Forces detachment if the previous detachment attempt did not occur cleanly (for example,
logging into an instance, unmounting the volume, and detaching normally).instanceId
- The ID of the instance.@Processor public ModifyVolumeResult modifyVolume(@Placement(order=1) String volumeId, @Placement(order=2) @Optional Integer iops, @Placement(order=3) @Optional Integer size, @Placement(order=4) @Optional VolumeType volumeType)
- The ID of the volume to be modified.iops
- Target IOPS rate of the volume to be modified.size
- Target size in GiB of the volume to be modified.volumeType
- Target EBS volume type of the volume to be modified@Processor public DescribeVolumesModificationsResult describeVolumesModifications(@Placement(order=1) @Optional List<String> volumeIds, @Placement(order=2) @Optional List<Filter> filters)
- One or more volume IDs for which in-progress modifications will be described.filters
- One or more filters.@Processor public CreateSnapshotResult createSnapshot(String volumeId, @Optional String description)
- The ID of the EBS volume.description
- A description for the snapshot.@Processor public CopySnapshotResult copySnapshot(@Placement(order=1) String sourceSnapshotId, @Placement(order=2) RegionEndpoint sourceRegion, @Placement(order=3) @Optional String description, @Placement(order=4) @Optional RegionEndpoint destinationRegion, @Placement(order=5) @Optional String presignedUrl, @Placement(order=6) @Optional Boolean encrypted, @Placement(order=7) @Optional String kmsKeyId)
- The ID of the EBS snapshot to copy.sourceRegion
- The ID of the region that contains the snapshot to be copied.description
- A description for the EBS snapshot.destinationRegion
- The destination region to use in the PresignedUrl parameter of a snapshot copy operation.presignedUrl
- The pre-signed URL that facilitates copying an encrypted snapshot.encrypted
- Specifies whether the destination snapshot should be encrypted.kmsKeyId
- The full ARN of the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) CMK to use when creating the snapshot copy.@Processor public DeleteSnapshotResult deleteSnapshot(String snapshotId)
- The ID of the EBS snapshot.@Processor public DescribeSnapshotsResult describeSnapshots(@Placement(order=1) @Optional List<String> snapshotIds, @Placement(order=2) @Optional List<String> ownerIds, @Placement(order=3) @Optional List<String> restorableByUserIds, @Placement(order=4) @Optional List<Filter> filters)
- One or more snapshot IDs.ownerIds
- Returns the snapshots owned by the specified owner.restorableByUserIds
- One or more AWS accounts IDs that can create volumes from the snapshot.filters
- One or more filters.@Processor public DescribeSnapshotAttributeResult describeSnapshotAttribute(String snapshotId, @Default(value="CreateVolumePermission") SnapshotAttributeName attribute)
- The ID of the EBS snapshot.attribute
- The snapshot attribute you would like to view.@Processor public ModifySnapshotAttributeResult modifySnapshotAttribute(@Placement(order=1) String snapshotId, @Placement(order=2) @Default(value="CreateVolumePermission") SnapshotAttributeName attribute, @Placement(order=3) @Default(value="Add") OperationType operationType, @Placement(order=4) @Optional Collection<String> groupNames, @Placement(order=5) @Optional Collection<String> userIds)
- The ID of the snapshot.attribute
- The snapshot attribute to modify.operationType
- The type of operation to perform to the attribute.groupNames
- The group to modify for the snapshot.userIds
- The account ID to modify for the snapshot.@Processor public ResetSnapshotAttributeResult resetSnapshotAttribute(String snapshotId, @Default(value="CreateVolumePermission") SnapshotAttributeName attribute)
- The ID of the snapshot.attribute
- The attribute to reset.@Processor public void createTags(List<String> resources, List<Tag> tags)
- (list)
The IDs of one or more resources to tag. For example, ami-1a2b3c4d.tags
- (list)
One or more tags. The value parameter is required, but if you don't want
the tag to have a value, specify the parameter with no value, and we set the value to an empty string.@Processor public void deleteTags(List<String> resources, List<Tag> tags)
- (list)
The ID of the resource. For example, ami-1a2b3c4d. You can specify more than one resource ID.tags
- (list)
One or more tags to delete. If you omit the value parameter, we delete the tag regardless of its value.
If you specify this parameter with an empty string as the value, we delete the key only if its value
is an empty string.@Processor public DescribeTagsResult describeTags(@Optional List<Filter> filters)
- one or more filters@Processor public DescribeRegionsResult describeRegions(@Optional List<String> regionNames, @Optional List<Filter> filters)
- The names of one or more regions.filters
- One or more filters.@Processor public DescribeAvailabilityZonesResult describeAvailabilityZones(@Optional List<String> zoneNames, @Optional List<Filter> filters)
- The names of one or more Availability Zones.filters
- One or more filters.@Processor public AssociateIamInstanceProfileResult associateIamInstanceProfile(String instanceId, String profileName)
- The ID of the instance.profileName
- The NAME of the instance profile.@Processor public DescribeIamInstanceProfileAssociationsResult describeIamInstanceProfileAssociations(@Optional List<String> associationIds, @Optional List<Filter> filters)
- One or more IAM instance profile associations.filters
- One or more filters.@Processor public DescribeInstanceAttributeResult describeInstanceAttribute(String attribute, String instanceId)
- The instance attribute.instanceId
- The ID of the instance.@Processor public DescribeInstancesResult describeInstances(@Optional List<String> instanceIds, @Optional List<Filter> filters)
- One or more instance IDs.filters
- One or more filters.@Processor public DescribeInstanceStatusResult describeInstanceStatus(@Optional List<String> instanceIds, @Optional List<Filter> filters)
- One or more instance IDs.filters
- One or more filters.@Processor public DisassociateIamInstanceProfileResult disassociateIamInstanceProfile(String associationId)
- The ID of the IAM instance profile association.@Processor public GetConsoleOutputResult getConsoleOutput(String instanceId)
- The ID of the instance.@Processor public GetConsoleScreenshotResult getConsoleScreenshot(String instanceId)
- The ID of the instance.@Processor public GetPasswordDataResult getPasswordData(String instanceId)
- The ID of the Windows instance.@Processor public void modifyInstanceAttribute(String instanceId, String attribute, String value)
- The ID of the instance.attribute
- The name of the attribute.value
- A new value for the attribute.@Processor public MonitorInstancesResult monitorInstances(List<String> instanceIds)
- One or more instance IDs.@Processor public void rebootInstances(List<String> instanceIds)
- One or more instance IDs.@Processor public ReplaceIamInstanceProfileAssociationResult replaceIamInstanceProfileAssociation(String associationId, String profileName)
- The ID of the existing IAM instance profile associationprofileName
- The NAME of the instance profile to replace.@Processor public void reportInstanceStatus(List<String> instanceIds, List<String> reasonCodes, String status, @Optional String description)
- One or more instance IDs.reasonCodes
- One or more reason codes that describes the health state of your instance.status
- The status of all instances listed.description
- Descriptive text about the health state of your instance.@Processor public void resetInstanceAttribute(String instanceId, String attribute)
- The ID of the instance.attribute
- The attribute to reset.You can only reset the following attributes: kernel | ramdisk | sourceDestCheck.
To change an instance attribute, use ModifyInstanceAttribute.@Processor public StartInstancesResult startInstances(List<String> instanceIds)
- One or more instance IDs.@Processor public StopInstancesResult stopInstances(List<String> instanceIds, @Optional Boolean force)
- One or more instance IDs.force
- Forces the instances to stop.@Processor public TerminateInstancesResult terminateInstances(List<String> instanceIds)
- One or more instance IDs.@Processor public UnmonitorInstancesResult unmonitorInstances(List<String> instanceIds)
- One or more instance IDs.@Processor public RunInstancesResult runInstances(String imageId, @Default(value="1") Integer minCount, @Default(value="1") Integer maxCount, @Optional List<String> securityGroups, @Optional List<String> securityGroupIds, @Optional String keyname, @Optional String subnetId, @Optional String instanceType)
- The ID of the AMI, which you can get by calling describe-imagesminCount
- The minimum no of instances to launchmaxCount
- The maximum no of instances to launchsecurityGroups
- One or more security group namessecurityGroupIds
- One or more security group IDs.keyname
- The name of the key pairsubnetId
- The ID of the subnet to launch the instance into.@Processor public CreateSecurityGroupResult createSecurityGroup(@Placement(order=1) @Optional String vpcId, @Placement(order=2) String groupName, @Placement(order=3) String description)
- The ID of the VPC.groupName
- The name of the security group.description
- A description for the security group.@Processor public DescribeSecurityGroupsResult describeSecurityGroups(@Placement(order=1) @Optional List<String> groupIds, @Placement(order=2) @Optional List<String> groupNames, @Placement(order=3) @Optional List<Filter> filters)
- One or more security group IDs.groupNames
- [EC2-Classic and default VPC only] One or more security group names.filters
- One or more filters.@Processor public DeleteSecurityGroupResult deleteSecurityGroup(@Placement(order=1) @Optional String groupId, @Placement(order=2) @Optional String groupName)
- The ID of the security group.groupName
- [EC2-Classic, default VPC] The name of the security group.@Processor public AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressResult authorizeSecurityGroupIngress(@Placement(order=1) @Optional String groupId, @Placement(order=2) @Optional String groupName, @Placement(order=3) @Optional String cidrIp, @Placement(order=4) @Optional String ipProtocol, @Placement(order=5) @Optional Integer fromPort, @Placement(order=6) @Optional Integer toPort, @Placement(order=7) @Optional List<IpPermission> ipPermissions, @Placement(order=8) @Optional String sourceSecurityGroupName, @Placement(order=9) @Optional String sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId)
- The ID of the security group.groupName
- [EC2-Classic, default VPC] The name of the security group.cidrIp
- The CIDR IPv4 address range.ipProtocol
- The IP protocol name (tcp, udp, icmp) or number.fromPort
- The start of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP/ICMPv6 type number.toPort
- The end of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP/ICMPv6 code number.ipPermissions
- A set of IP permissions.sourceSecurityGroupName
- [EC2-Classic, default VPC] The name of the source security group.sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId
- [EC2-Classic] The AWS account number for the source security group, if the source security group is in a different account.@Processor public RevokeSecurityGroupIngressResult revokeSecurityGroupIngress(@Placement(order=1) @Optional String groupId, @Placement(order=2) @Optional String groupName, @Placement(order=3) @Optional String cidrIp, @Placement(order=4) @Optional String ipProtocol, @Placement(order=5) @Optional Integer fromPort, @Placement(order=6) @Optional Integer toPort, @Placement(order=7) @Optional List<IpPermission> ipPermissions, @Placement(order=8) @Optional String sourceSecurityGroupName, @Placement(order=9) @Optional String sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId)
- The ID of the security group.groupName
- [EC2-Classic, default VPC] The name of the security group.cidrIp
- The CIDR IP address range.ipProtocol
- The IP protocol name (tcp, udp, icmp) or number.fromPort
- The start of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP type number.toPort
- The end of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP code number.ipPermissions
- A set of IP permissions.sourceSecurityGroupName
- [EC2-Classic, default VPC] The name of the source security group.sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId
- [EC2-Classic] The AWS account ID of the source security group, if the source security group is in a different account.@Processor public AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgressResult authorizeSecurityGroupEgress(@Placement(order=1) String groupId, @Placement(order=2) @Optional String cidrIp, @Placement(order=3) @Optional String ipProtocol, @Placement(order=4) @Optional Integer fromPort, @Placement(order=5) @Optional Integer toPort, @Placement(order=6) @Optional List<IpPermission> ipPermissions, @Placement(order=7) @Optional String sourceSecurityGroupName, @Placement(order=8) @Optional String sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId)
- The ID of the security group.cidrIp
- The CIDR IPv4 address range.ipProtocol
- The IP protocol name or number.fromPort
- The start of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP type number.toPort
- The end of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP type number.ipPermissions
- A set of IP permissions.sourceSecurityGroupName
- The name of a destination security group.sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId
- The AWS account number for a destination security group.@Processor public RevokeSecurityGroupEgressResult revokeSecurityGroupEgress(@Placement(order=1) String groupId, @Placement(order=2) @Optional String cidrIp, @Placement(order=3) @Optional String ipProtocol, @Placement(order=4) @Optional Integer fromPort, @Placement(order=5) @Optional Integer toPort, @Placement(order=6) @Optional List<IpPermission> ipPermissions, @Placement(order=7) @Optional String sourceSecurityGroupName, @Placement(order=8) @Optional String sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId)
- The ID of the security group.cidrIp
- The CIDR IP address range.ipProtocol
- The IP protocol name or number.fromPort
- The start of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP type number.toPort
- The end of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP type number.ipPermissions
- A set of IP permissions.sourceSecurityGroupName
- The name of a destination security group.sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId
- The AWS account number for a destination security group.@Processor public DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesResult describeSecurityGroupReferences(List<String> groupIds)
- One or more security group IDs in your account.@Processor public DescribeStaleSecurityGroupsResult describeStaleSecurityGroups(String vpcId)
- The ID of the VPC.@Processor public AllocateAddressResult allocateAddress(@Optional String domain)
- Set to vpc to allocate the address for use with instances in a VPC.
Default: The address is for use with instances in EC2-Classic. Valid Values: vpc | standard@Processor public AssociateAddressResult associateAddress(@Optional String allocationId, @Optional Boolean allowReassociation, @Optional String instanceId, @Optional String networkInterfaceId, @Optional String privateIpAddress, @Optional String publicIp)
- EC2-VPC] The allocation ID. This is required for EC2-VPC.allowReassociation
- [EC2-VPC] For a VPC in an EC2-Classic account, specify true to allow an Elastic IP address that is already associated with an instance or network interface to be reassociated with the specified instance or network interface. Otherwise, the operation fails.instanceId
- The ID of the instance.networkInterfaceId
- [EC2-VPC] The ID of the network interfaceprivateIpAddress
- [EC2-VPC] The primary or secondary private IP address to associate with the Elastic IP address.publicIp
- The Elastic IP address. This is required for EC2-Classic.@Processor public DescribeAddressesResult describeAddresses(@Optional List<String> allocationIds, @Optional List<Filter> filters, @Optional List<String> publicIps)
- [EC2-VPC] One or more allocation IDs.filters
- One or more filters. Filter names and values are case-sensitive.publicIps
- [EC2-Classic] One or more Elastic IP addresses.@Processor public DescribeMovingAddressesResult describeMovingAddresses(@Optional List<Filter> filters, @Optional Integer maxResults, @Optional String nextToken, @Optional List<String> publicIps)
- One or more filters.maxResults
- The maximum number of results to return for the request in a single page.nextToken
- The token to use to retrieve the next page of results.publicIps
- One or more Elastic IP addresses.@Processor public void disAssociateAddress(@Optional String associationId, @Optional String publicIp)
- [EC2-VPC] The association ID. Required for EC2-VPC.publicIp
- [EC2-Classic] The Elastic IP address. Required for EC2-Classic.@Processor public MoveAddressToVpcResult moveAddressToVpc(String publicIp)
- The Elastic IP address.@Processor public void releaseAddress(@Optional String allocationId, @Optional String publicIp)
- [EC2-VPC] The allocation ID. Required for EC2-VPC.publicIp
- [EC2-Classic] The Elastic IP address. Required for EC2-Classic.@Processor public RestoreAddressToClassicResult restoreAddressToClassic(String publicIp)
- The Elastic IP address@Processor public AssignIpv6AddressesResult assignIpv6Addresses(String networkInterfaceId, @Optional Integer ipv6AddressCount, @Optional List<String> ipv6Addresses)
- The ID of the network interface.ipv6AddressCount
- The number of IPv6 addresses to assign to the network interface.
Amazon EC2 automatically selects the IPv6 addresses from the subnet range.
You can't use this option if specifying specific IPv6 addresses.ipv6Addresses
- One or more specific IPv6 addresses to be assigned to the network interface.
You can't use this option if you're specifying a number of IPv6 addresses.@Processor public UnassignIpv6AddressesResult unassignIpv6Addresses(List<String> ipv6Addresses, String networkInterfaceId)
- The IPv6 addresses to unassign from the network interface.networkInterfaceId
- The ID of the network interface.@Processor public void assignPrivateIpAddresses(String networkInterfaceId, @Optional Boolean allowReassignment, @Optional List<String> privateIpAddresses, @Optional Integer secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount)
- The ID of the network interface.allowReassignment
- Indicates whether to allow an IP address that is already assigned to another network interface or instance
to be reassigned to the specified network interface.privateIpAddresses
- One or more IP addresses to be assigned as a secondary private IP address to the network interface.
You can't specify this parameter when also specifying a number of secondary IP addresses.secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount
- The number of secondary IP addresses to assign to the network interface.
You can't specify this parameter when also specifying private IP addresses.@Processor public void unAssignPrivateIpAddresses(String networkInterfaceId, List<String> privateIpAddresses)
- The ID of the network interface.privateIpAddresses
- The secondary private IP addresses to unassign from the network interface.
You can specify this option multiple times to unassign more than one IP address.@Processor public CreateNetworkInterfaceResult createNetworkInterface(String subnetId, @Optional String description, @Optional List<String> groups, @Optional Integer ipv6AddressCount, @Optional List<InstanceIpv6Address> ipv6Addresses, @Optional String privateIpAddress, @Optional List<PrivateIpAddressSpecification> privateIpAddresses, @Optional Integer secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount)
- The ID of the subnet to associate with the network interface.description
- A description for the network interface.groups
- The IDs of one or more security groups.ipv6AddressCount
- The number of IPv6 addresses to assign to a network interface. Amazon EC2 automatically selects the IPv6 addresses from the subnet range.ipv6Addresses
- One or more specific IPv6 addresses from the IPv6 CIDR block range of your subnet. You can't use this option if you're specifying a number of IPv6 addresses.privateIpAddress
- The primary private IPv4 address of the network interfaceprivateIpAddresses
- One or more private IPv4 addresses.secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount
- The number of secondary private IPv4 addresses to assign to a network interface.@Processor public void deleteNetworkInterface(String networkInterfaceId)
- The ID of the network interface.@Processor public AttachNetworkInterfaceResult attachNetworkInterface(Integer deviceIndex, String instanceId, String networkInterfaceId)
- The index of the device for the network interface attachment.instanceId
- The ID of the instance.networkInterfaceId
- The ID of the network interface.@Processor public void detachNetworkInterface(String attachmentId, @Optional Boolean force)
- The ID of the network interface.force
- Specifies whether to force a detachment.@Processor public DescribeNetworkInterfacesResult describeNetworkInterfaces(@Optional List<Filter> filters, @Optional List<String> networkInterfaceIds)
- One or more filters.networkInterfaceIds
- One or more network interface IDs.@Processor public void modifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute(String networkInterfaceId, @Optional String attachmentId, @Optional String description, @Optional List<String> groups, @Optional Boolean deleteOnTermination, @Optional Boolean sourceDestCheck)
- The ID of the network interface.attachmentId
- The ID of the network interface attachment.description
- A description for the network interface.groups
- Changes the security groups for the network interface.The new set of groups you specify replaces the current
set. You must specify at least one group, even if it's just the default security group in the VPC.
You must specify the ID of the security group, not the name.deleteOnTermination
- Indicates whether the network interface is deleted when the instance is terminated.sourceDestCheck
- Indicates whether source/destination checking is enabled. A value of true means checking is enabled,
and false means checking is disabled.
This value must be false for a NAT instance to perform NAT.@Processor public void resetNetworkInterfaceAttribute(String networkInterfaceId, @Optional String sourceDestCheck)
- The ID of the network interface.sourceDestCheck
- The source/destination checking attribute. Resets the value to true.@Processor public DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttributeResult describeNetworkInterfaceAttribute(String attribute, String networkInterfaceId)
- The attribute of the network interface. This parameter is required.networkInterfaceId
- The ID of the network interface.Copyright © 2010–2020. All rights reserved.