


Schema Location  (View Schema)
Schema Version1.0
Minimum Mule Version3.6

Module Overview

The PeopleSoft Connector provides real-time connectivity to query and update all PeopleSoft modules, using a common integration interface known as the Component Interface.

Oracle's PeopleSoft applications are designed to address the most complex business requirements. They provide comprehensive business and industry solutions, enabling organizations to increase productivity, accelerate business performance, and provide a lower cost of ownership.


Configure an instance of this module
Message Processors
Invoke Operation will invoke a PeopleSoft operation depending on the type selected.


To use the this module within a flow the namespace to the module must be included. The resulting flow will look similar to the following:

<mule xmlns=""

      <!-- here goes your flows and configuration elements -->


Message Processors


Invoke Operation will invoke a PeopleSoft operation depending on the type selected. DataSense discovers the structure of the entities in the system in Designtime/Runtime and uses it to perform the operation for the type selected. This will vary for Find, Get, Create and the rest.

XML Sample
<peoplesoft:invoke-operation config-ref="PeopleSoft" key="JOB_TASK_TABLE||Find" />

NameDefault ValueDescriptionJava TypeMIME TypeEncoding
config-ref Optional. Specify which configuration to use.
key The type of the entity as determined by DataSense. Once all the types are gathered from Sandbox, Entities are composed as {CI}||{Operation} like JOB_TASK||Get. String */* UTF-8
Child Elements
NameDefault ValueDescriptionJava Type
<peoplesoft:payload> #[payload] A Map with the parameters to be used in the operation Map<String, Object>
Return Type Description
List<Map<String, Object>> The result of the operation.

  • If return type of the operation it's a list, return a list of elements
  • If return type of the operation it's a boolean and operation is Cancel return null
  • If return type of the operation it's a boolean and operation is not null, it will try to gather the object and return as a list of one element

Note: After each operation we check the errors log and if the result of the operation it's a boolean, also check that the result it's true. Otherwise throw an Exception

Exception Payloads
Payload ClassDescription
PeopleSoftRuntimeException If the operation failed, throw an exception

Message Sources
