public class


extends BaseSchemaEntity
implements Person


long serialVersionUID
Inherited Constants
From class
protected ApiStandardProfileRequestImpl apiStandardProfileRequest
protected String associations
protected CertificationsImpl certifications
protected ConnectionsImpl connections
protected CurrentShareImpl currentShare
protected String currentStatus
protected Long currentStatusTimestamp
protected DateOfBirthImpl dateOfBirth
protected Long distance
protected EducationsImpl educations
protected String firstName
protected String headline
protected String honors
protected String id
protected ImAccountsImpl imAccounts
protected String industry
protected String interests
protected LanguagesImpl languages
protected String lastName
protected LocationImpl location
protected String mainAddress
protected MemberGroupsImpl memberGroups
protected MemberUrlResourcesImpl memberUrlResources
protected Long numConnections
protected Boolean numConnectionsCapped
protected Long numRecommenders
protected PatentsImpl patents
protected String path
protected PersonActivitiesImpl personActivities
protected PhoneNumbersImpl phoneNumbers
protected String pictureUrl
protected PositionsImpl positions
protected String publicProfileUrl
protected PublicationsImpl publications
protected RecommendationsGivenImpl recommendationsGiven
protected RecommendationsReceivedImpl recommendationsReceived
protected RelationToViewerImpl relationToViewer
protected SiteStandardProfileRequestImpl siteStandardProfileRequest
protected SkillsImpl skills
protected String specialties
protected String summary
protected ThreeCurrentPositionsImpl threeCurrentPositions
protected ThreePastPositionsImpl threePastPositions
protected TwitterAccountsImpl twitterAccounts
Inherited Fields
From class
Public Constructors
Public Methods
ApiStandardProfileRequest getApiStandardProfileRequest()
Gets the value of the apiStandardProfileRequest property.
String getAssociations()
Gets the value of the associations property.
Certifications getCertifications()
Gets the value of the certifications property.
Connections getConnections()
Gets the value of the connections property.
CurrentShare getCurrentShare()
Gets the value of the currentShare property.
String getCurrentStatus()
Gets the value of the currentStatus property.
Long getCurrentStatusTimestamp()
Gets the value of the currentStatusTimestamp property.
DateOfBirth getDateOfBirth()
Gets the value of the dateOfBirth property.
Long getDistance()
Gets the value of the distance property.
Educations getEducations()
Gets the value of the educations property.
String getFirstName()
Gets the value of the firstName property.
String getHeadline()
Gets the value of the headline property.
String getHonors()
Gets the value of the honors property.
String getId()
Gets the value of the id property.
ImAccounts getImAccounts()
Gets the value of the imAccounts property.
String getIndustry()
Gets the value of the industry property.
String getInterests()
Gets the value of the interests property.
Languages getLanguages()
Gets the value of the languages property.
String getLastName()
Gets the value of the lastName property.
Location getLocation()
Gets the value of the location property.
String getMainAddress()
Gets the value of the mainAddress property.
MemberGroups getMemberGroups()
Gets the value of the memberGroups property.
MemberUrlResources getMemberUrlResources()
Gets the value of the memberUrlResources property.
Long getNumConnections()
Gets the value of the numConnections property.
Long getNumRecommenders()
Gets the value of the numRecommenders property.
Patents getPatents()
Gets the value of the patents property.
String getPath()
Gets the value of the path property.
PersonActivities getPersonActivities()
Gets the value of the personActivities property.
PhoneNumbers getPhoneNumbers()
Gets the value of the phoneNumbers property.
String getPictureUrl()
Gets the value of the pictureUrl property.
Positions getPositions()
Gets the value of the positions property.
String getPublicProfileUrl()
Gets the value of the publicProfileUrl property.
Publications getPublications()
Gets the value of the publications property.
RecommendationsGiven getRecommendationsGiven()
Gets the value of the recommendationsGiven property.
RecommendationsReceived getRecommendationsReceived()
Gets the value of the recommendationsReceived property.
RelationToViewer getRelationToViewer()
Gets the value of the relationToViewer property.
SiteStandardProfileRequest getSiteStandardProfileRequest()
Gets the value of the siteStandardProfileRequest property.
Skills getSkills()
Gets the value of the skills property.
String getSpecialties()
Gets the value of the specialties property.
String getSummary()
Gets the value of the summary property.
ThreeCurrentPositions getThreeCurrentPositions()
Gets the value of the threeCurrentPositions property.
ThreePastPositions getThreePastPositions()
Gets the value of the threePastPositions property.
TwitterAccounts getTwitterAccounts()
Gets the value of the twitterAccounts property.
void init(XmlPullParser parser)
Inits the.
Boolean isNumConnectionsCapped()
Gets the value of the numConnectionsCapped property.
void setApiStandardProfileRequest(ApiStandardProfileRequest value)
Sets the value of the apiStandardProfileRequest property.
void setAssociations(String value)
Sets the value of the associations property.
void setCertifications(Certifications value)
Sets the value of the certifications property.
void setConnections(Connections value)
Sets the value of the connections property.
void setCurrentShare(CurrentShare value)
Sets the value of the currentShare property.
void setCurrentStatus(String value)
Sets the value of the currentStatus property.
void setCurrentStatusTimestamp(Long value)
Sets the value of the currentStatusTimestamp property.
void setDateOfBirth(DateOfBirth value)
Sets the value of the dateOfBirth property.
void setDistance(Long value)
Sets the value of the distance property.
void setEducations(Educations value)
Sets the value of the educations property.
void setFirstName(String value)
Sets the value of the firstName property.
void setHeadline(String value)
Sets the value of the headline property.
void setHonors(String value)
Sets the value of the honors property.
void setId(String value)
Sets the value of the id property.
void setImAccounts(ImAccounts value)
Sets the value of the imAccounts property.
void setIndustry(String value)
Sets the value of the industry property.
void setInterests(String value)
Sets the value of the interests property.
void setLanguages(Languages value)
Sets the value of the languages property.
void setLastName(String value)
Sets the value of the lastName property.
void setLocation(Location value)
Sets the value of the location property.
void setMainAddress(String value)
Sets the value of the mainAddress property.
void setMemberGroups(MemberGroups value)
Sets the value of the memberGroups property.
void setMemberUrlResources(MemberUrlResources value)
Sets the value of the memberUrlResources property.
void setNumConnections(Long value)
Sets the value of the numConnections property.
void setNumConnectionsCapped(Boolean value)
Sets the value of the numConnectionsCapped property.
void setNumRecommenders(Long value)
Sets the value of the numRecommenders property.
void setPatents(Patents value)
Sets the value of the patents property.
void setPath(String value)
Sets the value of the path property.
void setPersonActivities(PersonActivities value)
Sets the value of the personActivities property.
void setPhoneNumbers(PhoneNumbers value)
Sets the value of the phoneNumbers property.
void setPictureUrl(String value)
Sets the value of the pictureUrl property.
void setPositions(Positions value)
Sets the value of the positions property.
void setPublicProfileUrl(String value)
Sets the value of the publicProfileUrl property.
void setPublications(Publications value)
Sets the value of the publications property.
void setRecommendationsGiven(RecommendationsGiven value)
Sets the value of the recommendationsGiven property.
void setRecommendationsReceived(RecommendationsReceived value)
Sets the value of the recommendationsReceived property.
void setRelationToViewer(RelationToViewer value)
Sets the value of the relationToViewer property.
void setSiteStandardProfileRequest(SiteStandardProfileRequest value)
Sets the value of the siteStandardProfileRequest property.
void setSkills(Skills value)
Sets the value of the skills property.
void setSpecialties(String value)
Sets the value of the specialties property.
void setSummary(String value)
Sets the value of the summary property.
void setThreeCurrentPositions(ThreeCurrentPositions value)
Sets the value of the threeCurrentPositions property.
void setThreePastPositions(ThreePastPositions value)
Sets the value of the threePastPositions property.
void setTwitterAccounts(TwitterAccounts value)
Sets the value of the twitterAccounts property.
void toXml(XmlSerializer serializer)
To xml.
Inherited Methods
From class
From class java.lang.Object
From interface


private static final long serialVersionUID

Constant Value: 1783387499401345056 (0x18bfdd7b5eb07820)


protected ApiStandardProfileRequestImpl apiStandardProfileRequest

protected String associations

protected CertificationsImpl certifications

protected ConnectionsImpl connections

protected CurrentShareImpl currentShare

protected String currentStatus

protected Long currentStatusTimestamp

protected DateOfBirthImpl dateOfBirth

protected Long distance

protected EducationsImpl educations

protected String firstName

protected String headline

protected String honors

protected String id

protected ImAccountsImpl imAccounts

protected String industry

protected String interests

protected LanguagesImpl languages

protected String lastName

protected LocationImpl location

protected String mainAddress

protected MemberGroupsImpl memberGroups

protected MemberUrlResourcesImpl memberUrlResources

protected Long numConnections

protected Boolean numConnectionsCapped

protected Long numRecommenders

protected PatentsImpl patents

protected String path

protected PersonActivitiesImpl personActivities

protected PhoneNumbersImpl phoneNumbers

protected String pictureUrl

protected PositionsImpl positions

protected String publicProfileUrl

protected PublicationsImpl publications

protected RecommendationsGivenImpl recommendationsGiven

protected RecommendationsReceivedImpl recommendationsReceived

protected RelationToViewerImpl relationToViewer

protected SiteStandardProfileRequestImpl siteStandardProfileRequest

protected SkillsImpl skills

protected String specialties

protected String summary

protected ThreeCurrentPositionsImpl threeCurrentPositions

protected ThreePastPositionsImpl threePastPositions

protected TwitterAccountsImpl twitterAccounts

Public Constructors

public PersonImpl ()

Public Methods

public ApiStandardProfileRequest getApiStandardProfileRequest ()

Gets the value of the apiStandardProfileRequest property.


public String getAssociations ()

Gets the value of the associations property.

  • possible object is String

public Certifications getCertifications ()

Gets the value of the certifications property.


public Connections getConnections ()

Gets the value of the connections property.


public CurrentShare getCurrentShare ()

Gets the value of the currentShare property.


public String getCurrentStatus ()

Gets the value of the currentStatus property.

  • possible object is String

public Long getCurrentStatusTimestamp ()

Gets the value of the currentStatusTimestamp property.

  • possible object is String

public DateOfBirth getDateOfBirth ()

Gets the value of the dateOfBirth property.


public Long getDistance ()

Gets the value of the distance property.

  • possible object is String

public Educations getEducations ()

Gets the value of the educations property.


public String getFirstName ()

Gets the value of the firstName property.

  • possible object is String

public String getHeadline ()

Gets the value of the headline property.

  • possible object is String

public String getHonors ()

Gets the value of the honors property.

  • possible object is String

public String getId ()

Gets the value of the id property.

  • possible object is String

public ImAccounts getImAccounts ()

Gets the value of the imAccounts property.


public String getIndustry ()

Gets the value of the industry property.

  • possible object is String

public String getInterests ()

Gets the value of the interests property.

  • possible object is String

public Languages getLanguages ()

Gets the value of the languages property.


public String getLastName ()

Gets the value of the lastName property.

  • possible object is String

public Location getLocation ()

Gets the value of the location property.


public String getMainAddress ()

Gets the value of the mainAddress property.

  • possible object is String

public MemberGroups getMemberGroups ()

Gets the value of the memberGroups property.


public MemberUrlResources getMemberUrlResources ()

Gets the value of the memberUrlResources property.


public Long getNumConnections ()

Gets the value of the numConnections property.

  • possible object is String

public Long getNumRecommenders ()

Gets the value of the numRecommenders property.

  • possible object is String

public Patents getPatents ()

Gets the value of the patents property.


public String getPath ()

Gets the value of the path property.

  • possible object is String

public PersonActivities getPersonActivities ()

Gets the value of the personActivities property.


public PhoneNumbers getPhoneNumbers ()

Gets the value of the phoneNumbers property.


public String getPictureUrl ()

Gets the value of the pictureUrl property.

  • possible object is String

public Positions getPositions ()

Gets the value of the positions property.


public String getPublicProfileUrl ()

Gets the value of the publicProfileUrl property.

  • possible object is String

public Publications getPublications ()

Gets the value of the publications property.


public RecommendationsGiven getRecommendationsGiven ()

Gets the value of the recommendationsGiven property.


public RecommendationsReceived getRecommendationsReceived ()

Gets the value of the recommendationsReceived property.


public RelationToViewer getRelationToViewer ()

Gets the value of the relationToViewer property.


public SiteStandardProfileRequest getSiteStandardProfileRequest ()

Gets the value of the siteStandardProfileRequest property.


public Skills getSkills ()

Gets the value of the skills property.


public String getSpecialties ()

Gets the value of the specialties property.

  • possible object is String

public String getSummary ()

Gets the value of the summary property.

  • possible object is String

public ThreeCurrentPositions getThreeCurrentPositions ()

Gets the value of the threeCurrentPositions property.


public ThreePastPositions getThreePastPositions ()

Gets the value of the threePastPositions property.


public TwitterAccounts getTwitterAccounts ()

Gets the value of the twitterAccounts property.


public void init (XmlPullParser parser)

Inits the.

parser The element

public Boolean isNumConnectionsCapped ()

Gets the value of the numConnectionsCapped property.

  • possible object is Boolean

public void setApiStandardProfileRequest (ApiStandardProfileRequest value)

Sets the value of the apiStandardProfileRequest property.

value Allowed object is ApiStandardProfileRequest

public void setAssociations (String value)

Sets the value of the associations property.

value Allowed object is String

public void setCertifications (Certifications value)

Sets the value of the certifications property.

value Allowed object is Certifications

public void setConnections (Connections value)

Sets the value of the connections property.

value Allowed object is Connections

public void setCurrentShare (CurrentShare value)

Sets the value of the currentShare property.

value Allowed object is CurrentShare

public void setCurrentStatus (String value)

Sets the value of the currentStatus property.

value Allowed object is String

public void setCurrentStatusTimestamp (Long value)

Sets the value of the currentStatusTimestamp property.

value Allowed object is String

public void setDateOfBirth (DateOfBirth value)

Sets the value of the dateOfBirth property.

value Allowed object is DateOfBirth

public void setDistance (Long value)

Sets the value of the distance property.

value Allowed object is String

public void setEducations (Educations value)

Sets the value of the educations property.

value Allowed object is Educations

public void setFirstName (String value)

Sets the value of the firstName property.

value Allowed object is String

public void setHeadline (String value)

Sets the value of the headline property.

value Allowed object is String

public void setHonors (String value)

Sets the value of the honors property.

value Allowed object is String

public void setId (String value)

Sets the value of the id property.

value Allowed object is String

public void setImAccounts (ImAccounts value)

Sets the value of the imAccounts property.

value Allowed object is ImAccounts

public void setIndustry (String value)

Sets the value of the industry property.

value Allowed object is String

public void setInterests (String value)

Sets the value of the interests property.

value Allowed object is String

public void setLanguages (Languages value)

Sets the value of the languages property.

value Allowed object is Languages

public void setLastName (String value)

Sets the value of the lastName property.

value Allowed object is String

public void setLocation (Location value)

Sets the value of the location property.

value Allowed object is Location

public void setMainAddress (String value)

Sets the value of the mainAddress property.

value Allowed object is String

public void setMemberGroups (MemberGroups value)

Sets the value of the memberGroups property.

value Allowed object is MemberGroups

public void setMemberUrlResources (MemberUrlResources value)

Sets the value of the memberUrlResources property.

value Allowed object is MemberUrlResources

public void setNumConnections (Long value)

Sets the value of the numConnections property.

value Allowed object is String

public void setNumConnectionsCapped (Boolean value)

Sets the value of the numConnectionsCapped property.

value Allowed object is Boolean

public void setNumRecommenders (Long value)

Sets the value of the numRecommenders property.

value Allowed object is String

public void setPatents (Patents value)

Sets the value of the patents property.

value Allowed object is Patents

public void setPath (String value)

Sets the value of the path property.

value Allowed object is String

public void setPersonActivities (PersonActivities value)

Sets the value of the personActivities property.

value Allowed object is PersonActivities

public void setPhoneNumbers (PhoneNumbers value)

Sets the value of the phoneNumbers property.

value Allowed object is PhoneNumbers

public void setPictureUrl (String value)

Sets the value of the pictureUrl property.

value Allowed object is String

public void setPositions (Positions value)

Sets the value of the positions property.

value Allowed object is Positions

public void setPublicProfileUrl (String value)

Sets the value of the publicProfileUrl property.

value Allowed object is String

public void setPublications (Publications value)

Sets the value of the publications property.

value Allowed object is Publications

public void setRecommendationsGiven (RecommendationsGiven value)

Sets the value of the recommendationsGiven property.

value Allowed object is RecommendationsGiven

public void setRecommendationsReceived (RecommendationsReceived value)

Sets the value of the recommendationsReceived property.

value Allowed object is RecommendationsReceived

public void setRelationToViewer (RelationToViewer value)

Sets the value of the relationToViewer property.

value Allowed object is RelationToViewer

public void setSiteStandardProfileRequest (SiteStandardProfileRequest value)

Sets the value of the siteStandardProfileRequest property.

value Allowed object is SiteStandardProfileRequest

public void setSkills (Skills value)

Sets the value of the skills property.

value Allowed object is Skills

public void setSpecialties (String value)

Sets the value of the specialties property.

value Allowed object is String

public void setSummary (String value)

Sets the value of the summary property.

value Allowed object is String

public void setThreeCurrentPositions (ThreeCurrentPositions value)

Sets the value of the threeCurrentPositions property.

value Allowed object is ThreeCurrentPositions

public void setThreePastPositions (ThreePastPositions value)

Sets the value of the threePastPositions property.

value Allowed object is ThreePastPositions

public void setTwitterAccounts (TwitterAccounts value)

Sets the value of the twitterAccounts property.

value Allowed object is TwitterAccounts

public void toXml (XmlSerializer serializer)

To xml.

serializer The document