public class


extends Object

Class Overview

This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.

An ObjectFactory allows you to programatically construct new instances of the Java representation for XML content. The Java representation of XML content can consist of schema derived interfaces and classes representing the binding of schema type definitions, element declarations and model groups. Factory methods for each of these are provided in this class.


private static final QName _Activities_QNAME
private static final QName _AppId_QNAME
private static final QName _Associations_QNAME
private static final QName _Body_QNAME
private static final QName _Code_QNAME
private static final QName _Comment_QNAME
private static final QName _ConnectType_QNAME
private static final QName _ContentType_QNAME
private static final QName _Count_QNAME
private static final QName _CurrentStatusTimestamp_QNAME
private static final QName _CurrentStatus_QNAME
private static final QName _Day_QNAME
private static final QName _Degree_QNAME
private static final QName _Distance_QNAME
private static final QName _ErrorCode_QNAME
private static final QName _EyebrowUrl_QNAME
private static final QName _FieldOfStudy_QNAME
private static final QName _FirstName_QNAME
private static final QName _Headline_QNAME
private static final QName _Honors_QNAME
private static final QName _Id_QNAME
private static final QName _ImAccountName_QNAME
private static final QName _ImAccountType_QNAME
private static final QName _Industry_QNAME
private static final QName _Interests_QNAME
private static final QName _IsCommentable_QNAME
private static final QName _IsCurrent_QNAME
private static final QName _IsLikable_QNAME
private static final QName _IsLiked_QNAME
private static final QName _LastName_QNAME
private static final QName _Level_QNAME
private static final QName _MainAddress_QNAME
private static final QName _Message_QNAME
private static final QName _Month_QNAME
private static final QName _Name_QNAME
private static final QName _Notes_QNAME
private static final QName _NumConnectionsCapped_QNAME
private static final QName _NumConnections_QNAME
private static final QName _NumLikes_QNAME
private static final QName _NumRecommenders_QNAME
private static final QName _NumResults_QNAME
private static final QName _Number_QNAME
private static final QName _PhoneType_QNAME
private static final QName _PictureUrl_QNAME
private static final QName _ProviderAccountId_QNAME
private static final QName _ProviderAccountName_QNAME
private static final QName _PublicProfileUrl_QNAME
private static final QName _RecommendationSnippet_QNAME
private static final QName _RecommendationText_QNAME
private static final QName _ResolvedUrl_QNAME
private static final QName _SchoolName_QNAME
private static final QName _SequenceNumber_QNAME
private static final QName _ShortenedUrl_QNAME
private static final QName _Size_QNAME
private static final QName _Specialties_QNAME
private static final QName _Subject_QNAME
private static final QName _SubmittedImageUrl_QNAME
private static final QName _SubmittedUrl_QNAME
private static final QName _Summary_QNAME
private static final QName _ThumbnailUrl_QNAME
private static final QName _Ticker_QNAME
private static final QName _Timestamp_QNAME
private static final QName _Title_QNAME
private static final QName _Type_QNAME
private static final QName _UpdateKey_QNAME
private static final QName _UpdateType_QNAME
private static final QName _Url_QNAME
private static final QName _Value_QNAME
private static final QName _WebUrl_QNAME
private static final QName _Year_QNAME
Public Constructors
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package:
Public Methods
ActionImpl createAction()
Create an instance of Action
JAXBElement<String> createActivities(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
ActivityImpl createActivity()
Create an instance of Activity
AnswerImpl createAnswer()
Create an instance of Answer
AnswersImpl createAnswers()
Create an instance of Answers
ApiStandardProfileRequestImpl createApiStandardProfileRequest()
Create an instance of ApiStandardProfileRequest
JAXBElement<String> createAppId(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
ApplicationImpl createApplication()
Create an instance of Application
JAXBElement<String> createAssociations(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
AttributionImpl createAttribution()
Create an instance of Attribution
AuthorImpl createAuthor()
Create an instance of Author
AuthorityImpl createAuthority()
Create an instance of Authority
AuthorizationImpl createAuthorization()
Create an instance of Authorization
AuthorsImpl createAuthors()
Create an instance of Authors
JAXBElement<String> createBody(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
BucketImpl createBucket()
Create an instance of Bucket
BucketsImpl createBuckets()
Create an instance of Buckets
CertificationImpl createCertification()
Create an instance of Certification
CertificationsImpl createCertifications()
Create an instance of Certifications
JAXBElement<String> createCode(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<String> createComment(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
CompanyImpl createCompany()
Create an instance of Company
CompanyJobUpdateImpl createCompanyJobUpdate()
Create an instance of CompanyJobUpdate
CompanyPersonUpdateImpl createCompanyPersonUpdate()
Create an instance of CompanyPersonUpdate
CompanyProfileUpdateImpl createCompanyProfileUpdate()
Create an instance of CompanyProfileUpdate
JAXBElement<InviteConnectType> createConnectType(InviteConnectType value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<InviteConnectType>}
ConnectionsImpl createConnections()
Create an instance of Connections
ContentImpl createContent()
Create an instance of Content
JAXBElement<NetworkUpdateContentType> createContentType(NetworkUpdateContentType value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<NetworkUpdateContentType>}
JAXBElement<Long> createCount(Long value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}
CountryImpl createCountry()
Create an instance of Country
CurrentShareImpl createCurrentShare()
Create an instance of CurrentShare
JAXBElement<String> createCurrentStatus(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<Long> createCurrentStatusTimestamp(Long value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}
DateImpl createDate()
Create an instance of Date
DateOfBirthImpl createDateOfBirth()
Create an instance of DateOfBirth
JAXBElement<Long> createDay(Long value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}
JAXBElement<String> createDegree(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<Long> createDistance(Long value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}
EditorImpl createEditor()
Create an instance of Editor
EducationImpl createEducation()
Create an instance of Education
EducationsImpl createEducations()
Create an instance of Educations
EndDateImpl createEndDate()
Create an instance of EndDate
ErrorImpl createError()
Create an instance of Error
JAXBElement<String> createErrorCode(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<String> createEyebrowUrl(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
FacetImpl createFacet()
Create an instance of Facet
FacetsImpl createFacets()
Create an instance of Facets
JAXBElement<String> createFieldOfStudy(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<String> createFirstName(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
HeadersImpl createHeaders()
Create an instance of Headers
JAXBElement<String> createHeadline(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<String> createHonors(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
HttpHeaderImpl createHttpHeader()
Create an instance of HttpHeader
JAXBElement<String> createId(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
ImAccountImpl createImAccount()
Create an instance of ImAccount
JAXBElement<String> createImAccountName(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<ImAccountType> createImAccountType(ImAccountType value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<ImAccountType>}
ImAccountsImpl createImAccounts()
Create an instance of ImAccounts
JAXBElement<String> createIndustry(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<String> createInterests(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
InventorImpl createInventor()
Create an instance of Inventor
InventorsImpl createInventors()
Create an instance of Inventors
InvitationRequestImpl createInvitationRequest()
Create an instance of InvitationRequest
JAXBElement<Boolean> createIsCommentable(Boolean value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Boolean>}
JAXBElement<Boolean> createIsCurrent(Boolean value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Boolean>}
JAXBElement<Boolean> createIsLikable(Boolean value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Boolean>}
JAXBElement<Boolean> createIsLiked(Boolean value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Boolean>}
ItemContentImpl createItemContent()
Create an instance of ItemContent
JobImpl createJob()
Create an instance of Job
JobPosterImpl createJobPoster()
Create an instance of JobPoster
LanguageImpl createLanguage()
Create an instance of Language
LanguagesImpl createLanguages()
Create an instance of Languages
JAXBElement<String> createLastName(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<ProficiencyLevelType> createLevel(ProficiencyLevelType value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<ProficiencyLevelType>}
LikeImpl createLike()
Create an instance of Like
LikesImpl createLikes()
Create an instance of Likes
LocationImpl createLocation()
Create an instance of Location
MailboxItemImpl createMailboxItem()
Create an instance of MailboxItem
JAXBElement<String> createMainAddress(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
MemberGroupImpl createMemberGroup()
Create an instance of MemberGroup
MemberGroupsImpl createMemberGroups()
Create an instance of MemberGroups
MemberUrlImpl createMemberUrl()
Create an instance of MemberUrl
MemberUrlResourcesImpl createMemberUrlResources()
Create an instance of MemberUrlResources
JAXBElement<String> createMessage(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<Long> createMonth(Long value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}
JAXBElement<String> createName(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
NameTypeImpl createNameType()
Create an instance of NameType
NetworkImpl createNetwork()
Create an instance of Network
NetworkStatsImpl createNetworkStats()
Create an instance of NetworkStats
NewPositionImpl createNewPosition()
Create an instance of NewPosition
JAXBElement<String> createNotes(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<Long> createNumConnections(Long value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}
JAXBElement<Boolean> createNumConnectionsCapped(Boolean value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Boolean>}
JAXBElement<Long> createNumLikes(Long value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}
JAXBElement<Long> createNumRecommenders(Long value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}
JAXBElement<Long> createNumResults(Long value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}
JAXBElement<String> createNumber(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
OfficeImpl createOffice()
Create an instance of Office
OldPositionImpl createOldPosition()
Create an instance of OldPosition
OriginalUpdateImpl createOriginalUpdate()
Create an instance of OriginalUpdate
PatentImpl createPatent()
Create an instance of Patent
PatentsImpl createPatents()
Create an instance of Patents
PeopleImpl createPeople()
Create an instance of People
PeopleSearchImpl createPeopleSearch()
Create an instance of PeopleSearch
PersonImpl createPerson()
Create an instance of Person
PersonActivitiesImpl createPersonActivities()
Create an instance of PersonActivities
PhoneNumberImpl createPhoneNumber()
Create an instance of PhoneNumber
PhoneNumbersImpl createPhoneNumbers()
Create an instance of PhoneNumbers
JAXBElement<PhoneType> createPhoneType(PhoneType value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<PhoneType>}
JAXBElement<String> createPictureUrl(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
PositionImpl createPosition()
Create an instance of Position
PositionsImpl createPositions()
Create an instance of Positions
ProficiencyImpl createProficiency()
Create an instance of Proficiency
ProfileFieldImpl createProfileField()
Create an instance of ProfileField
PropertyImpl createProperty()
Create an instance of Property
JAXBElement<Long> createProviderAccountId(Long value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}
JAXBElement<String> createProviderAccountName(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<String> createPublicProfileUrl(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
PublicationImpl createPublication()
Create an instance of Publication
PublicationAuthorImpl createPublicationAuthor()
Create an instance of PublicationAuthor
PublicationsImpl createPublications()
Create an instance of Publications
PublisherImpl createPublisher()
Create an instance of Publisher
QuestionImpl createQuestion()
Create an instance of Question
QuestionCategoriesImpl createQuestionCategories()
Create an instance of QuestionCategories
QuestionCategoryImpl createQuestionCategory()
Create an instance of QuestionCategory
RecipientImpl createRecipient()
Create an instance of Recipient
RecipientsImpl createRecipients()
Create an instance of Recipients
RecommendationImpl createRecommendation()
Create an instance of Recommendation
JAXBElement<String> createRecommendationSnippet(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<String> createRecommendationText(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
RecommendationTypeImpl createRecommendationType()
Create an instance of RecommendationType
RecommendationsGivenImpl createRecommendationsGiven()
Create an instance of RecommendationsGiven
RecommendationsReceivedImpl createRecommendationsReceived()
Create an instance of RecommendationsReceived
RecommendeeImpl createRecommendee()
Create an instance of Recommendee
RecommenderImpl createRecommender()
Create an instance of Recommender
RelatedConnectionsImpl createRelatedConnections()
Create an instance of RelatedConnections
RelationToViewerImpl createRelationToViewer()
Create an instance of RelationToViewer
JAXBElement<String> createResolvedUrl(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<String> createSchoolName(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<Long> createSequenceNumber(Long value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}
ServiceProviderImpl createServiceProvider()
Create an instance of ServiceProvider
ShareImpl createShare()
Create an instance of Share
JAXBElement<String> createShortenedUrl(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
SiteGroupRequestImpl createSiteGroupRequest()
Create an instance of SiteGroupRequest
SiteJobRequestImpl createSiteJobRequest()
Create an instance of SiteJobRequest
SiteStandardProfileRequestImpl createSiteStandardProfileRequest()
Create an instance of SiteStandardProfileRequest
JAXBElement<Long> createSize(Long value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}
SkillImpl createSkill()
Create an instance of Skill
SkillsImpl createSkills()
Create an instance of Skills
SourceImpl createSource()
Create an instance of Source
JAXBElement<String> createSpecialties(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
StartDateImpl createStartDate()
Create an instance of StartDate
StatusImpl createStatus()
Create an instance of Status
JAXBElement<String> createSubject(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<String> createSubmittedImageUrl(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<String> createSubmittedUrl(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<String> createSummary(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
ThreeCurrentPositionsImpl createThreeCurrentPositions()
Create an instance of ThreeCurrentPositions
ThreePastPositionsImpl createThreePastPositions()
Create an instance of ThreePastPositions
JAXBElement<String> createThumbnailUrl(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<String> createTicker(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<Long> createTimestamp(Long value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}
JAXBElement<String> createTitle(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
TwitterAccountImpl createTwitterAccount()
Create an instance of TwitterAccount
TwitterAccountsImpl createTwitterAccounts()
Create an instance of TwitterAccounts
JAXBElement<String> createType(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
UpdateImpl createUpdate()
Create an instance of Update
UpdateActionImpl createUpdateAction()
Create an instance of UpdateAction
UpdateCommentImpl createUpdateComment()
Create an instance of UpdateComment
UpdateCommentsImpl createUpdateComments()
Create an instance of UpdateComments
UpdateContentImpl createUpdateContent()
Create an instance of UpdateContent
JAXBElement<String> createUpdateKey(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<NetworkUpdateReturnType> createUpdateType(NetworkUpdateReturnType value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<NetworkUpdateReturnType>}
UpdatesImpl createUpdates()
Create an instance of Updates
JAXBElement<String> createUrl(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<String> createValue(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
VisibilityImpl createVisibility()
Create an instance of Visibility
JAXBElement<String> createWebUrl(String value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
JAXBElement<Long> createYear(Long value)
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}
YearsImpl createYears()
Create an instance of Years
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


private static final QName _Activities_QNAME

private static final QName _AppId_QNAME

private static final QName _Associations_QNAME

private static final QName _Body_QNAME

private static final QName _Code_QNAME

private static final QName _Comment_QNAME

private static final QName _ConnectType_QNAME

private static final QName _ContentType_QNAME

private static final QName _Count_QNAME

private static final QName _CurrentStatusTimestamp_QNAME

private static final QName _CurrentStatus_QNAME

private static final QName _Day_QNAME

private static final QName _Degree_QNAME

private static final QName _Distance_QNAME

private static final QName _ErrorCode_QNAME

private static final QName _EyebrowUrl_QNAME

private static final QName _FieldOfStudy_QNAME

private static final QName _FirstName_QNAME

private static final QName _Headline_QNAME

private static final QName _Honors_QNAME

private static final QName _Id_QNAME

private static final QName _ImAccountName_QNAME

private static final QName _ImAccountType_QNAME

private static final QName _Industry_QNAME

private static final QName _Interests_QNAME

private static final QName _IsCommentable_QNAME

private static final QName _IsCurrent_QNAME

private static final QName _IsLikable_QNAME

private static final QName _IsLiked_QNAME

private static final QName _LastName_QNAME

private static final QName _Level_QNAME

private static final QName _MainAddress_QNAME

private static final QName _Message_QNAME

private static final QName _Month_QNAME

private static final QName _Name_QNAME

private static final QName _Notes_QNAME

private static final QName _NumConnectionsCapped_QNAME

private static final QName _NumConnections_QNAME

private static final QName _NumLikes_QNAME

private static final QName _NumRecommenders_QNAME

private static final QName _NumResults_QNAME

private static final QName _Number_QNAME

private static final QName _PhoneType_QNAME

private static final QName _PictureUrl_QNAME

private static final QName _ProviderAccountId_QNAME

private static final QName _ProviderAccountName_QNAME

private static final QName _PublicProfileUrl_QNAME

private static final QName _RecommendationSnippet_QNAME

private static final QName _RecommendationText_QNAME

private static final QName _ResolvedUrl_QNAME

private static final QName _SchoolName_QNAME

private static final QName _SequenceNumber_QNAME

private static final QName _ShortenedUrl_QNAME

private static final QName _Size_QNAME

private static final QName _Specialties_QNAME

private static final QName _Subject_QNAME

private static final QName _SubmittedImageUrl_QNAME

private static final QName _SubmittedUrl_QNAME

private static final QName _Summary_QNAME

private static final QName _ThumbnailUrl_QNAME

private static final QName _Ticker_QNAME

private static final QName _Timestamp_QNAME

private static final QName _Title_QNAME

private static final QName _Type_QNAME

private static final QName _UpdateKey_QNAME

private static final QName _UpdateType_QNAME

private static final QName _Url_QNAME

private static final QName _Value_QNAME

private static final QName _WebUrl_QNAME

private static final QName _Year_QNAME

Public Constructors

public ObjectFactory ()

Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package:

Public Methods

public ActionImpl createAction ()

Create an instance of Action

public JAXBElement<String> createActivities (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public ActivityImpl createActivity ()

Create an instance of Activity

public AnswerImpl createAnswer ()

Create an instance of Answer

public AnswersImpl createAnswers ()

Create an instance of Answers

public ApiStandardProfileRequestImpl createApiStandardProfileRequest ()

Create an instance of ApiStandardProfileRequest

public JAXBElement<String> createAppId (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public ApplicationImpl createApplication ()

Create an instance of Application

public JAXBElement<String> createAssociations (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public AttributionImpl createAttribution ()

Create an instance of Attribution

public AuthorImpl createAuthor ()

Create an instance of Author

public AuthorityImpl createAuthority ()

Create an instance of Authority

public AuthorizationImpl createAuthorization ()

Create an instance of Authorization

public AuthorsImpl createAuthors ()

Create an instance of Authors

public JAXBElement<String> createBody (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public BucketImpl createBucket ()

Create an instance of Bucket

public BucketsImpl createBuckets ()

Create an instance of Buckets

public CertificationImpl createCertification ()

Create an instance of Certification

public CertificationsImpl createCertifications ()

Create an instance of Certifications

public JAXBElement<String> createCode (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<String> createComment (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public CompanyImpl createCompany ()

Create an instance of Company

public CompanyJobUpdateImpl createCompanyJobUpdate ()

Create an instance of CompanyJobUpdate

public CompanyPersonUpdateImpl createCompanyPersonUpdate ()

Create an instance of CompanyPersonUpdate

public CompanyProfileUpdateImpl createCompanyProfileUpdate ()

Create an instance of CompanyProfileUpdate

public JAXBElement<InviteConnectType> createConnectType (InviteConnectType value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<InviteConnectType>}


public ConnectionsImpl createConnections ()

Create an instance of Connections

public ContentImpl createContent ()

Create an instance of Content

public JAXBElement<NetworkUpdateContentType> createContentType (NetworkUpdateContentType value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<NetworkUpdateContentType>}


public JAXBElement<Long> createCount (Long value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}


public CountryImpl createCountry ()

Create an instance of Country

public CurrentShareImpl createCurrentShare ()

Create an instance of CurrentShare

public JAXBElement<String> createCurrentStatus (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<Long> createCurrentStatusTimestamp (Long value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}


public DateImpl createDate ()

Create an instance of Date

public DateOfBirthImpl createDateOfBirth ()

Create an instance of DateOfBirth

public JAXBElement<Long> createDay (Long value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}


public JAXBElement<String> createDegree (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<Long> createDistance (Long value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}


public EditorImpl createEditor ()

Create an instance of Editor

public EducationImpl createEducation ()

Create an instance of Education

public EducationsImpl createEducations ()

Create an instance of Educations

public EndDateImpl createEndDate ()

Create an instance of EndDate

public ErrorImpl createError ()

Create an instance of Error

public JAXBElement<String> createErrorCode (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<String> createEyebrowUrl (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public FacetImpl createFacet ()

Create an instance of Facet

public FacetsImpl createFacets ()

Create an instance of Facets

public JAXBElement<String> createFieldOfStudy (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<String> createFirstName (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public HeadersImpl createHeaders ()

Create an instance of Headers

public JAXBElement<String> createHeadline (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<String> createHonors (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public HttpHeaderImpl createHttpHeader ()

Create an instance of HttpHeader

public JAXBElement<String> createId (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public ImAccountImpl createImAccount ()

Create an instance of ImAccount

public JAXBElement<String> createImAccountName (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<ImAccountType> createImAccountType (ImAccountType value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<ImAccountType>}


public ImAccountsImpl createImAccounts ()

Create an instance of ImAccounts

public JAXBElement<String> createIndustry (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<String> createInterests (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public InventorImpl createInventor ()

Create an instance of Inventor

public InventorsImpl createInventors ()

Create an instance of Inventors

public InvitationRequestImpl createInvitationRequest ()

Create an instance of InvitationRequest

public JAXBElement<Boolean> createIsCommentable (Boolean value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<Boolean>}


public JAXBElement<Boolean> createIsCurrent (Boolean value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<Boolean>}


public JAXBElement<Boolean> createIsLikable (Boolean value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<Boolean>}


public JAXBElement<Boolean> createIsLiked (Boolean value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<Boolean>}


public ItemContentImpl createItemContent ()

Create an instance of ItemContent

public JobImpl createJob ()

Create an instance of Job

public JobPosterImpl createJobPoster ()

Create an instance of JobPoster

public LanguageImpl createLanguage ()

Create an instance of Language

public LanguagesImpl createLanguages ()

Create an instance of Languages

public JAXBElement<String> createLastName (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<ProficiencyLevelType> createLevel (ProficiencyLevelType value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<ProficiencyLevelType>}


public LikeImpl createLike ()

Create an instance of Like

public LikesImpl createLikes ()

Create an instance of Likes

public LocationImpl createLocation ()

Create an instance of Location

public MailboxItemImpl createMailboxItem ()

Create an instance of MailboxItem

public JAXBElement<String> createMainAddress (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public MemberGroupImpl createMemberGroup ()

Create an instance of MemberGroup

public MemberGroupsImpl createMemberGroups ()

Create an instance of MemberGroups

public MemberUrlImpl createMemberUrl ()

Create an instance of MemberUrl

public MemberUrlResourcesImpl createMemberUrlResources ()

Create an instance of MemberUrlResources

public JAXBElement<String> createMessage (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<Long> createMonth (Long value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}


public JAXBElement<String> createName (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public NameTypeImpl createNameType ()

Create an instance of NameType

public NetworkImpl createNetwork ()

Create an instance of Network

public NetworkStatsImpl createNetworkStats ()

Create an instance of NetworkStats

public NewPositionImpl createNewPosition ()

Create an instance of NewPosition

public JAXBElement<String> createNotes (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<Long> createNumConnections (Long value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}


public JAXBElement<Boolean> createNumConnectionsCapped (Boolean value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<Boolean>}


public JAXBElement<Long> createNumLikes (Long value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}


public JAXBElement<Long> createNumRecommenders (Long value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}


public JAXBElement<Long> createNumResults (Long value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}


public JAXBElement<String> createNumber (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public OfficeImpl createOffice ()

Create an instance of Office

public OldPositionImpl createOldPosition ()

Create an instance of OldPosition

public OriginalUpdateImpl createOriginalUpdate ()

Create an instance of OriginalUpdate

public PatentImpl createPatent ()

Create an instance of Patent

public PatentsImpl createPatents ()

Create an instance of Patents

public PeopleImpl createPeople ()

Create an instance of People

public PeopleSearchImpl createPeopleSearch ()

Create an instance of PeopleSearch

public PersonImpl createPerson ()

Create an instance of Person

public PersonActivitiesImpl createPersonActivities ()

Create an instance of PersonActivities

public PhoneNumberImpl createPhoneNumber ()

Create an instance of PhoneNumber

public PhoneNumbersImpl createPhoneNumbers ()

Create an instance of PhoneNumbers

public JAXBElement<PhoneType> createPhoneType (PhoneType value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<PhoneType>}


public JAXBElement<String> createPictureUrl (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public PositionImpl createPosition ()

Create an instance of Position

public PositionsImpl createPositions ()

Create an instance of Positions

public ProficiencyImpl createProficiency ()

Create an instance of Proficiency

public ProfileFieldImpl createProfileField ()

Create an instance of ProfileField

public PropertyImpl createProperty ()

Create an instance of Property

public JAXBElement<Long> createProviderAccountId (Long value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}


public JAXBElement<String> createProviderAccountName (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<String> createPublicProfileUrl (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public PublicationImpl createPublication ()

Create an instance of Publication

public PublicationAuthorImpl createPublicationAuthor ()

Create an instance of PublicationAuthor

public PublicationsImpl createPublications ()

Create an instance of Publications

public PublisherImpl createPublisher ()

Create an instance of Publisher

public QuestionImpl createQuestion ()

Create an instance of Question

public QuestionCategoriesImpl createQuestionCategories ()

Create an instance of QuestionCategories

public QuestionCategoryImpl createQuestionCategory ()

Create an instance of QuestionCategory

public RecipientImpl createRecipient ()

Create an instance of Recipient

public RecipientsImpl createRecipients ()

Create an instance of Recipients

public RecommendationImpl createRecommendation ()

Create an instance of Recommendation

public JAXBElement<String> createRecommendationSnippet (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<String> createRecommendationText (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public RecommendationTypeImpl createRecommendationType ()

Create an instance of RecommendationType

public RecommendationsGivenImpl createRecommendationsGiven ()

Create an instance of RecommendationsGiven

public RecommendationsReceivedImpl createRecommendationsReceived ()

Create an instance of RecommendationsReceived

public RecommendeeImpl createRecommendee ()

Create an instance of Recommendee

public RecommenderImpl createRecommender ()

Create an instance of Recommender

public RelatedConnectionsImpl createRelatedConnections ()

Create an instance of RelatedConnections

public RelationToViewerImpl createRelationToViewer ()

Create an instance of RelationToViewer

public JAXBElement<String> createResolvedUrl (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<String> createSchoolName (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<Long> createSequenceNumber (Long value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}


public ServiceProviderImpl createServiceProvider ()

Create an instance of ServiceProvider

public ShareImpl createShare ()

Create an instance of Share

public JAXBElement<String> createShortenedUrl (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public SiteGroupRequestImpl createSiteGroupRequest ()

Create an instance of SiteGroupRequest

public SiteJobRequestImpl createSiteJobRequest ()

Create an instance of SiteJobRequest

public SiteStandardProfileRequestImpl createSiteStandardProfileRequest ()

Create an instance of SiteStandardProfileRequest

public JAXBElement<Long> createSize (Long value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}


public SkillImpl createSkill ()

Create an instance of Skill

public SkillsImpl createSkills ()

Create an instance of Skills

public SourceImpl createSource ()

Create an instance of Source

public JAXBElement<String> createSpecialties (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public StartDateImpl createStartDate ()

Create an instance of StartDate

public StatusImpl createStatus ()

Create an instance of Status

public JAXBElement<String> createSubject (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<String> createSubmittedImageUrl (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<String> createSubmittedUrl (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<String> createSummary (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public ThreeCurrentPositionsImpl createThreeCurrentPositions ()

Create an instance of ThreeCurrentPositions

public ThreePastPositionsImpl createThreePastPositions ()

Create an instance of ThreePastPositions

public JAXBElement<String> createThumbnailUrl (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<String> createTicker (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<Long> createTimestamp (Long value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}


public JAXBElement<String> createTitle (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public TwitterAccountImpl createTwitterAccount ()

Create an instance of TwitterAccount

public TwitterAccountsImpl createTwitterAccounts ()

Create an instance of TwitterAccounts

public JAXBElement<String> createType (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public UpdateImpl createUpdate ()

Create an instance of Update

public UpdateActionImpl createUpdateAction ()

Create an instance of UpdateAction

public UpdateCommentImpl createUpdateComment ()

Create an instance of UpdateComment

public UpdateCommentsImpl createUpdateComments ()

Create an instance of UpdateComments

public UpdateContentImpl createUpdateContent ()

Create an instance of UpdateContent

public JAXBElement<String> createUpdateKey (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<NetworkUpdateReturnType> createUpdateType (NetworkUpdateReturnType value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<NetworkUpdateReturnType>}


public UpdatesImpl createUpdates ()

Create an instance of Updates

public JAXBElement<String> createUrl (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<String> createValue (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public VisibilityImpl createVisibility ()

Create an instance of Visibility

public JAXBElement<String> createWebUrl (String value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


public JAXBElement<Long> createYear (Long value)

Create an instance of JAXBElement<Long>}


public YearsImpl createYears ()

Create an instance of Years