Connector Project Directory Layout

  1. /demo: Contains demo Mule application covering different use cases.

  2. /doc: Contains documentation for the connector, including the user manual, realese notes and the readme file. It additionally includes a /resources folder with all necessary files regarding documentation.

  3. /video: Contains an optional video tutorial transcription. The video tutorial highlights the connector functionality in a real use case scenario and is uploaded to MuleSoft‘s YouTube account

  4. /icons: Contains icons for the connector using 24x16, 18x32, or 300x300 pixels.

  5. /src: Contains the source code for the connector including test cases and source code.


    1. For closed-source-code connectors - MuleSoft : (c) 2003-2015 MuleSoft, Inc. This software is protected under international copyright law. All use of this software is subject to MuleSoft’s Master Subscription Agreement (or other Terms of Service) separately entered into between you and MuleSoft. If such an agreement is not in place, you may not use the software.

    2. For open source connectors: (c) 2003-2015 MuleSoft, Inc. The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0 license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the file.


    1. For closed-source-code connectors: (c) 2003-2015 MuleSoft, Inc. This software is protected under international copyright law. All use of this software is subject to MuleSoft’s Master Subscription Agreement (or other Terms of Service) separately entered into between you and MuleSoft. If such an agreement is not in place, you may not use the software.

    2. For open-source-code connectors:

Please copy CPAL 1.0 from Appendix D

  1. Readme file for the connector.

  2. pom.xml: Ensure you are referencing mule-devkit-parent in your pom.xml.
